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My Great Canadian Experience: Basketball

by Patricio from Mexico

I just started playing basketball this season and I love it. From shooting hoops, watching other matches, or engaging in the sport myself, the passion for basketball is something new in my life.

Being part of the basketball team this month has been an amazing journey. The excitement and intensity of the games, combined with the hard work and dedication of the entire team, has made me love basketball. We even got 2nd place in the first tournament, and there was one match of the second tournament that I got the MVP. The relationship formed with my teammates and the shared passion for watching and playing basketball, made this month truly unforgettable on the basketball court. 

Everyday that we had to take the bus to play outside the city was super fun, we were all great friends, even the coaches, even the bus driver! One day after a great match, the bus driver bought us all pizza to celebrate the great victory against the other team.

Every practice session and game was a new challenge for me, to be better than last practice, than last game. I think I improved a lot this season and I can’t wait for the next one, and I know I will not be here, but I will bring with me the teachings that I learned and use them back in my home country. 

We had a lot of great and funny moments this season. I can't wait to try a new sport and have a great time playing like I had in basketball.

Photo and blog post submitted by Pato, a grade 9 student at Laurie Middle School in Cranbrook, BC. 

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