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My Great Canadian Experience: Fun at Fernie Alpine Resort

Left to right: Miguel, Mario, Juan Pablo, Angel, at Fernie Alpine Resort before their ski lesson

by Miguel and Ángel from Mexico

My brother and I had an unforgettable and incredible experience at the Fernie Alpine Resort thanks to RMISP.

We went to Fernie on February 9th. That was a trip from the international student program (RMISP), it was the second time we went skiing with the program, because we already did it once in December on a monthly trip from RMISP.

We took the school bus at 8:30am from Tim Hortons and arrived at Fernie in 30-45 minutes later, it doesn,t seem to be very long, because the atmosphere on the bus with all the other exchange students was very good because they are all very friendly, inclusive, and nice people.

When we arrived the employees of the Fernie Alpine Resort took care of us very well and gave us the skis we had rented.

I was impressed by the incredible security of the program, they put green bands around our arms to get lost, they gave us all the emergency numbers and the ski patrol number and even those who had already skied before had to take a class for safety.

The teacher was excellent and friendly, they taught us all the basics and in a very safe way, even though I didn´t know how to ski, they made skiing an unforgettable experience. After that we were allowed to ski in groups of three or more for the rest of the noon.

Blog post and photo submitted by twin brothers Miguel and Ángel from Mexico, grade 8 students at Laurie Middle School in Cranbrook, BC.

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