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My Great Canadian Experience: NHL Game

Noah, Iker and their host brother at the Calgary Flames game

by Iker from Spain

If there is something that Canada is worldly known for, that is hockey. It might sound somewhat stereotypical; however, this fame is well-deserved. Home to some of the best hockey teams on the planet, Canada is undoubtedly home to the most supportive and lively hockey crowd. From the tiniest town such as Fernie, to the largest cities like Calgary, hockey is a very important part of Canadians’ lives everywhere you go. Thereby, one of the greatest Canadian experiences that I’ve been really lucky to be a part of was watching an NHL game in Calgary, Alberta.

Over Spring Break, my host family decided to take me and my German host brother Noah on a trip to Calgary, the nearest big city, to enjoy one of the most Canadian experiences: a professional hockey game. The drive there was absolutely astonishing. The transition between the imponent Rocky Mountains and the boundless prairies that make up an immense part of Canada’s land is one of those landscapes stuck to my head. Gradually, the snowy peaks of British Columbia fade away into golden Alberta; a land full of little hills traversed by frozen streams first, flat and endless once the mountains are out of sight.

Once we arrived in Calgary, we headed to the arena. On the way there, I noticed how busy the city was; countless cars, buses, cabs, the tram… Much like a normal big city, except for the fact that most of those vehicles and people rushing ended up at the gate of the arena. By the time we got there, the facility was already packed. A mob of red jerseys from both teams heading into the building, buying drinks and food as excitement rose. Joy could be seen in the faces of children (of whom my host brother was one of) as they approached the rink in an attempt to get their jerseys signed. I was shocked by the overwhelming amount of food places, the music and how much of an impressive show it was, full of lights, ruffles, puck tosses, etc.

We all sat and watched the game, which was fast and extremely intense. During the intermissions, we managed to scooch through the crowd in order to get some snacks. In the end, the Calgary Flames lost against the Washington Capitals, enough reason for my host brother to make fun of me all the way back home because the team I was cheering for was beaten by the team his favourite player plays on. 

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