Student Blog
My Great Canadian Experience: Trip to a ranch

Thanksgiving trip to the grandparents' ranch
by Lucy from Germany
Saturday morning my host sister Izzy and her grandparents (mother side) took the car and we started driving for five hours. While driving I finished an assignment for my English class. This didn’t take too long, so I ended up listening to music, watching the nature and I watched a movie.
We arrived around 2:00 pm. Izzy and I got a nice welcome by the dog Washington and the cat Scooter. Izzy’s grandparents were very friendly, and we sat on the balcony and drunk lemonade. Her grandmother was already preparing stuff for Thanksgiving the next day and it smelled very nice. Izzy and I also went to see the horses. Not all because some were out on the field, which was huge. So, we got to see two horses of which one was pregnant and the other one just got her foal called Rider.
The next day was Thanksgiving, and they invited some couples for an outside church service. This was a strange to me because I’m not religious at all. After the service we had lunch and dinner in one. There was turkey, stuffing, sauces, and a family tradition made with jelly and oranges. Even though I am not a meat fan at all I liked it. In the evening we watched some television.
The next day was Monday, and I woke up at nine o’clock to do a videocall with my family. The rest of the morning and the early afternoon Izzy and I watched a show together. In the late afternoon her grandparents took us on a two hour walk around their property and we could pet all their horses and got to see amazing nature. Dinner was leftovers from Thanksgiving.
Tuesday (this day I missed school) I slept in long and Izzy and I watched the show to the end. In the afternoon we helped Ed preparing food for the horses for Wednesday, because we would not be at the ranch the whole day. And we could pet the horses a last time.
Wednesday (I missed school, too) we got up at 5:30 am to be ready to start driving at 6:30. On our way we stopped at Subway to get breakfast and continued driving until we arrived back in Cranbrook at around 1:00 pm. I gave them some Swiss chocolate to eat on their way and they started driving back immediately.
The trip was very fun, and I got to see a lot of amazing parts of Canada. It was great and I felt safe at all times.
Blog post and photo submitted by Lucy, a grade 12 student from Switzerland, currently studying at Mount Baker Secondary School in Cranbrook, BC.