Student Blog
My Great Canadian Experience: World Cup Soccer

by Felicitas from Germany
On Sunday there was the world cup soccer match between Spain and Germany. Since we have some people from Spain and Germany and we all wanted to watch the game, Christina our homestay coordinator made it possible for us to watch the game in the library of our school. Christina also brought drinks and chips for everyone. Thank you so much for making this possible for us. The atmosphere was really great. We were excited and anxious to see who would win. Of course, everyone wanted their team to win. Germany scored the first goal. Unfortunately, this goal was offside and thus did not count. Then Spain scored a goal and most people thought Spain had already won. But then Germany scored a goal at the end to equalize. With a 1:1 all were happy. With every goal there was cheering and shouting. Everyone cheered for their team. At the end we took pictures with the Germany and Spain flags. This day was by far the best I've had in a long time. I hope we can do something like this again soon.
Photo and blog post submitted by Felicitas from Germany. Felicitas is a grade 10 student at Mount Baker Secondary School in Cranbrook.